Articles from IPLCricketNews

IPLCricketNews.Com is proud to showcase our premier writers work. Each week a team of writers (and occasionally readers) will offer you their latest opinions on the IPL and on world cricket in general. This week Hammah is looking to discuss Australia's defeat at the hands of India, and how the Australians had their own game plan turned upside down by the upstart Indians. Meanwhile The Editor will discuss the positive and negative effects the IPL will have on world cricket, which are sure to be many.

As always we appreciate your feedback, if you have any comments or topics for discussion head on over to the forums and argue/communicate to your hearts content (you never know who could be lurking). If you have an essay/article you have written, and would like to get your work out, please feel free to contact our editorial team. If you would like to have any additional news streams added to the site, or you wish to comment on a recent article, please contact our editorial team

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